“This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius,” proclaimed the 1960s musical Hair, capturing belief in an imminent epoch of human enlightenment. While the exact origins of the concept are hazy, the Age of Aquarius broadly refers to a new astrological age allegedly entering human consciousness.
The notion stems from the astrological ages, long periods based on the precession of the equinoxes, and Earth’s gradual wobble as it rotates. Each age correlates to a zodiac constellation, with the full cycle taking approximately 26,000 years. Age transitions are caused by the slow shift in the vernal equinox moving through the background stars.
We are currently positioned between the Pisces and Aquarius astrological ages, with the exact shift disputed. Generally, it is placed in the 20th or 21st centuries. New Age thinkers see humanity leaving the Pisces era of rigid religiosity and entering a millennium dedicated to rationalism, science, and humanitarianism.
Aquarius is typically deemed an air sign representing innovation, consciousness, and social reform. Astrologers thus anticipate radical technological leaps and societal improvements in the dawning years. While no precise date exists, many believe we are firmly situated in the Aquarian Age today.
Despite the lack of science supporting astrological ages, the concept has profoundly shaped New Age spirituality. It continues to connote a coming time of enlightenment, harmony, and mystical awareness. The dazzling future evoked by the term “Age of Aquarius” remains powerfully lodged in the collective imagination.
The current era indeed shows a turn toward equality, empiricism, and social justice fitting New Age dreams. Whether this results from zodiacal shifts or modern thought, the Aquarian ethos resonates. Perhaps humanity is manifesting its own astrological future through a focused will. Either way, the horizon seems bright.
Are we in the Age of Aquarius?
There is disagreement among astrologers and New Age thinkers about whether we have entered the Age of Aquarius yet. However, many argue that we are transitioning into this new age now based on a few key points:
• Precession of the equinoxes: The gradual shift in the Earth's rotational axis over thousands of years is moving us from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. This astronomical phenomenon underpins the astrological ages.
• Entry point - Astrologers vary on potential entry points for the Age of Aquarius, ranging from the 15th century to the 35th century. Many propose we entered the Age of Aquarius in the 20th or 21st century.
• Technological advances - Our current era of rapid technological development aligns with common attributes associated with the Aquarius age, such as innovation, electricity, and a focus on rationality over spirituality.
• Social change - Movements toward equality, social justice reform, humanitarianism, and consciousness expansion tie into the predicted Aquarian values.
• New Age movement - The prominence of New Age spirituality since the 1960s reflects growing adherence to the Aquarian ethos of mysticism and universalism.
• Public sentiment - Widespread excitement about the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius points to public readiness to embrace this as a new epoch.
• Sidereal vs tropical - The use of the sidereal zodiac by some astrologers argues the Age of Aquarius arrived around 1500 AD. Those using the tropical zodiac place it in the future.
While not all agree we have crossed into the Age of Aquarius definitively, many astrologers and spiritualists see our times as exhibiting its forward-looking spirit. The next hundred years will clarify whether an Aquarian Age has indeed commenced.
What does the Age of Aquarius represent?
The Age of Aquarius in astrology is generally seen as representing or embodying these ideals, values, and themes:
• Progressivism - It represents moving society forward through science and egalitarian ideals.
• Innovation - Associated with new technologies and embracing rational thought over faith.
• Enlightenment - An age of new spirituality, consciousness, humanitarianism, and mystical awareness.
• Utopianism - Aquarius represents the possibility of creating an ideal society of peace, love, and harmony.
• Freedom - Aquarius values freedom, anarchy, and rebellion against conservative norms.
• Brotherhood - The age signifies universal comradeship transcending divisions of race, gender, class, etc.
• Revolution - Overthrowing oppressive old orders is viewed as an Aquarian change-making trait.
• Eccentricity - Embracing unconventional lifestyles and modes of thought.
• Science - The power of science to understand the universe and uplift humanity.
• Electricity - Harnessing electricity is seen as an Aquarian technological achievement.
• Democracy -systems based on equality align with Aquarian humanism.
So, in summary, the Age of Aquarius broadly represents humanistic, progressive, and mystical ideals, scientific advancement, and disruptive social change believed to be coming in the new age. It offers hope for societal improvement.
Why is the Age of Aquarius important?
The concept of the Age of Aquarius is considered important for several reasons:
• Cultural significance - It captured the public imagination in the 1960s and was tied to counterculture dreams of a new era of peace, love, and expanded consciousness.
• Astrological tradition - For astrologers, it represents one phase in the cycle of precession of the equinoxes and holds spiritual significance as a new zodiacal age.
• New Age beliefs - It is central to New Age ideas about entering an age of enlightenment, mysticism, and humanity realizing its full potential.
• Utopian hopes - The Aquarian Age embodies optimism that humankind is progressing towards an ideal advanced society.
• Profound change - It suggests the magnitude of coming changes equal to the shift from the Age of Aries to Pisces.
• Rebalancing - Symbolically, the move into Aquarius represents a rebalancing toward rationality after the mystical Pisces era.
• Technological advances - Entry into the Information Age and exponential tech growth seem to validate the futurism Aquarius represents.
• Rebellious spirit - Its associations with a revolt against conventions and embrace of eccentricity resonate as human rights advance.
• Fresh thinking - The idea of periodic renewal through the astrological ages points to the value of new philosophical paradigms.
While astrologers debate exact details, the Age of Aquarius broadly stirs hopes for societal improvements through enlightened thinking and humanitarian ideals. This aspirational quality fuels its lasting cultural mystique and sense of deep change underway.
How long will the Age of Aquarius last?
According to astrologers, the Age of Aquarius – like all astrological ages – will last for approximately 2,150 years. However, there are a few caveats around determining the precise length:
• The exact length of astrological ages is not clearly defined. Estimates range from 2000 to 2600 years. 2,150 years is the commonly accepted approximate duration.
• The beginning and ending dates of ages are fuzzy. The process of moving from one age to another occurs gradually over hundreds of years, with different astrologers pinpointing varying start and endpoints.
• Precession of the equinoxes, the slow wobble of the Earth's rotational axis, is key to calculating ages. However, the exact rate of precession is not fully settled in astronomy.
• Sidereal astrologers measure precession against the backdrop of the fixed stars. They believe we entered the Age of Aquarius in the 15th century.
• Tropical astrologers measure from the vernal equinox. From their perspective, the Age of Aquarius is still hundreds of years in the future.
• Some astrologers believe ages overlap for long transitional periods. This further muddles definitive age lengths.
Given these complexities around delineating when an age begins and ends, predictions of the exact Aquarian Age duration vary between 2000-2600 years. Most agree that within standard parameters, we are looking at roughly 2150 years of Aquarian influence ahead if indeed, that age has arrived. Only time will tell if an Aquarian epoch unfolds on schedule!
What comes after the Age of Aquarius?
According to astrologers, the Age of Aquarius will eventually give way to the Age of Capricorn as the precession of the equinoxes continues shifting. Some key points about the transition:
• Each astrological age lasts approximately 2,150 years. The standard order is Aquarius to Capricorn to Sagittarius, and so on around the zodiac.
• The dates are imprecise, but the Age of Capricorn is estimated to begin around the year 4300 CE, about 2,150 years after the start of the Age of Aquarius.
• Capricorn is an earth sign associated with structure, responsibility, and ambition. It contrasts with the intellectual air sign of Aquarius.
• Astrologers believe the Capricorn Age will see humanity become more conservative, traditional, and focused on establishing order and institutions.
• Skeptics view astrological ages as pseudoscience without evidence they directly impact human development or events.
• Some astrologers believe the ages are not fixed but overlap based on the position of the vernal equinox relative to constellations.
• New Age thinkers feel we are only now entering the Aquarian Age, so its end lies thousands of years in the future.
While predictions vary widely, the standard perspective is that humanity will transition from the rational Aquarius era to a more pragmatic, conventional Capricorn period in several millennia. But the exact timeframe and nature of that shift remains speculative.