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Subtle Spellwork: Low-Key Magick for the Closet Witch

Writer: Wendy H.Wendy H.

There’s something about the word ‘witchcraft’ that sends some people into a tailspin. Even though we’ve come a long way since The Burning Days, the stigma around witches and witchcraft is still palpable in everyday society.

Not all witches can practice openly without facing stigma or scrutiny. But with creativity and discretion, even closeted witches can craft a fulfilling practice using subtle magick that blends into everyday life. So whether you’re just starting out and don’t feel comfortable practicing openly or you live with others who disapprove of your spiritual path, don’t be afraid to stay true to yourself and your beliefs.

Embrace your inner kitchen witch

Kitchen witchery offers the perfect cover for low-key spell ingredients. Store moon water in an old vinegar jar. Keep spell jars on the spice rack. Burn incense by saying you enjoy the aroma. Bake magickal intentions into the crust of pies.

Here are some other subtle kitchen witchcraft ideas that can fly under the radar:

• Write wishes on bay leaves then burn them undetected in cooking fires or the fireplace.

• Bake intentions into bread dough by etching runes or words with a knife before baking.

• Infuse herbal oils with magickal herbs to dress food or use in spells. Hide them in unlabeled clear bottles.

• Grind herbs and spices specifically for spells in a mortar and pestle while chanting quietly.

• Wash produce while focusing cleansing intentions into them • apples for clarity, lettuce for peace, etc.

• Place crystals with corresponding properties into jars of spices, flour, sugar to subtly charge them.

• Slice food while visualizing slicing away negative energies from your life.

• Stir food clockwise to draw in positive energies, widdershins to banish.

• Use colored kitchen towels, aprons, and utensils that align with your intent.

With a little creativity, the everyday act of cooking can become a covert magical practice.

Adopt a witchy style

Tarot decks can be left out as ornamental card sets. Witchy jewelry can be passed off as just your bold fashion style. Witchy tattoos are explained away as aesthetics. Line art of runes or sigils can be passed off as minimalist decor.

Hide out in the open

Whisper spells as you stir pots on the stove. Moon bathe crystals on your windowsill while stargazing. Conceal an athame as a decorative letter opener. Keep a magical journal like a bullet journal or food diary.

Adopt quiet rituals and spells

Adapt rituals to match your abilities. Visualize psychic shields around yourself. Mindfully channel energy into creating amulets. Recite incantations in the shower under running water.

The techniques are endless for subtly blending witchcraft into an inconspicuous modern lifestyle. With patience and imagination, the magick lives on.


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