When the perfect job opportunity arises, a job interview can feel like the most nerve-wracking thing in the world. The good news is, that you can create your good-luck success talisman and use it in a success spell to increase your chances of landing your dream job.
Spell for Attracting Success
This spell requires a confidence talisman (if you’ve never made a sigil, I recommend starting here). I recommend drawing it a few times before you start. If you’re unsure what to write for your sigil, think about words that boost your confidence, such as “My talent and dedication are obvious to those who would hire me”
This is an example of what that sigil would look like:

You can use any phrase or group of words that speak to you. You can do this spell at any time, but I recommend doing it on the day of a new moon or a waxing moon for full effect.
What you’ll need:
Matches (I recommend using matches instead of a lighter. If you don’t have matches on hand, go ahead and use an intermediary between the lighter and candle, such as a small piece of wood)
Orange candle
Pen with orange ink (if you don’t have one, don’t worry. Just use what you have on hand)
Success sigil
Piece of paper
1 cinnamon stick (you can easily find these at the grocery store)
Small piece of fresh ginger root
Sprig of fresh lemon balm
Orange string or piece of yarn
4 drops of bergamot essential oil
The spell:
After cleansing your altar, light an orange candle and set it out of the way.
On a piece of paper, draw your success sigil using orange ink. This is your offering.
With the paper laid flat, place the cinnamon stick, ginger, and lemon balm on top of the sigil.
Focus on your breathing. Think about the upcoming job interview and the positive outcomes you want. Visualize yourself opening that job offer email or getting the job offer call. You’ve landed the job.
While still focusing on your intent, fold the paper and ingredients into a small bundle. Tie with a knot using the orange string.
Place 4 drops of the bergamot oil on the string and meditate on your intentions for at least five minutes.
Extinguish the candle without blowing it out with your mouth.