You perform a ritual, cast a spell, and suddenly the goal you focused on manifests! But was your intention and magic the true cause, or was it just a fortuitous coincidence? For witches and magicians, determining success can be a bit fuzzy at times.
When signs relevant to your work appear, how can you know if your will and the mystical forces invoked caused the outcome? Coincidences do happen regularly in life after all. While the line between magic and chance may seem blurry at times, certain signals can indicate when a spell has worked its power versus random happenstance.
Discerning between coincidence and a spell genuinely working can be tricky, but here are some tips:
• Examine the timing - Results that happen right after performing a spell may indicate its effectiveness rather than just chance. Coincidences tend to have random timing.
• Assess how likely or unusual the result is - A highly improbable event right after a spell could show its power. Everyday occurrences may just be coincidental.
• Look for repetition - If a result recurs each time a certain spell is cast, that hints at causation rather than coincidence.
• Consider your emotional and intuitive feelings - A gut sense of certainty, aha moment, or energy shift may signal when a spell is working. Coincidences usually lack such sensations.
• Notice synchronicities related to the spellwork - Symbols, dreams, people's names, or other patterns recurring amplify the magical resonance.
• Review the intention and materials used - Well designed spells using focused intention and correspondent ingredients have greater chances of effectiveness.
• Keep a magical journal - Track spells cast and outcomes over time. Some coincidences will happen, but patterns should emerge around successful spells.
• Trust your discernment but don't ignore logical analysis - Magical thinking shouldn't replace critical thinking in determining what caused specific results.
While a bit ambiguous at times, patience and an observational approach will help develop your intuition around when spells work their mysterious power versus mere happenstance.