Reiki has become a popular energy healing technique across the globe, used for reducing stress, promoting wellness, and treating pain or ailments. However, there remains much uncertainty surrounding the story of Reiki's creation by its founder, Mikao Usui, in early 20th century Japan.
In this article, we'll explore the available details on Usui's background, the mystical origins legend, his training methods and teachings, the spread of Reiki after his death, and the sparse verifiable facts known about this spiritual practice's beginnings. Much is steeped in myth and lore, making the timeline blurred.
However, Reiki's growth from its start as Usui's spiritual self-healing system to an international phenomenon illustrates its perceived effectiveness by practitioners over generations. Understanding Reiki's origins provides meaning, even if the foggy past may never be fully elucidated. Let's delve into the birth of this unique energy-healing tradition.
Mikao Usui's Early Years
Details on Usui's early life are scant, but some key points are known:
• He was born in 1865 in a small Japanese village called Yago outside of Tokyo.
• Records suggest his family were hatamoto samurai of the Gifu clan who provided military service.
• Usui entered a Tendai Buddhist school near Mt. Kurama as a child to begin his religious education.
• He later studied multiple spiritual traditions as an adult, including Christianity, Daoism, Shintoism, and Buddhist Tantric practices.
• Usui worked as a businessman for much of his career before focusing on spiritual pursuits full-time in his 30s.
• He married Sadako Suzuki, and they had two children together before her untimely death.
Usui appears to have been devoted to spiritual development from a young age. His training shaped the eclectic blend of Reiki practice.
Legend of Reiki's Origins
According to traditional myth passed down, Reiki's origins involve Usui undergoing mystical experiences on Mt. Kurama:
• In 1922, he traveled to Mt. Kurama for 21 days of fasting, prayer, and meditation to obtain an enlightened state.
• On the 21st day, he experienced satori – spiritual awakening – manifesting psychic gifts and abilities to channel healing energy.
• He claimed that during this transcendent state, healing symbols were revealed to him for use in Reiki teachings.
• Later, at a Zen monastery, he awoke the Reiki energy within himself after conferring with the Abbot.
• Usui engraved the symbols on scrolls holding their power and gave them honorific Japanese names.
However, some modern scholars debate elements of this mythology. The precise truth surrounding Reiki's beginnings remains elusive.
Usui's Teachings and Training Methods
After his enlightening experiences, Usui began sharing Reiki teachings in Tokyo:
• In 1921, he opened his first Reiki clinic in the Harajuku district of Tokyo, with practitioner Chujiro Hayashi later assisting.
• Students were initiated and attuned to Reiki energy during Reiki Ryoho Gakkai classes. He divided the initiations into three levels.
• Training focused on meditation, laying-on of hands techniques, symbols drawn or visualized to channel energy, and reciting mantras.
• Usui also emphasized spiritual self-improvement through Reiki's five core precepts and ethical principles.
• He trained disciples capable of attuning others, including 16 reiki masters before his death, to carry on Reiki Ryoho teachings.
Through these training methods and clinics, Usui established Reiki as a learnable practice available to others.
Spread and Evolution of Reiki
After Usui's passing, Reiki began to spread beyond Japan:
• In the 1930s, Hawayo Takata learned Reiki in Japan, then introduced it to Hawaii, where she opened clinics and trained students.
• This sparked Reiki's growth in the West. It disseminated through traditional lineages and new branches emerged.
• Variations built on the original teachings arose, like Goldman's Gendai Reiki, focusing on sound techniques and Holy Fire Reiki involving revised attunements.
• New training formats developed, including weekend seminars, online courses, and self-attunements instead of intensive in-person apprenticeships.
• Use expanded from alternative healing circles into hospitals and mainstream wellness through rebranding as "energy healing".
• Reiki continues growing in popularity worldwide today with an estimated millions of practitioners across over 100 countries.
Reiki's introduction to the Western Hemisphere allowed its philosophy and methods to diversify and spread rapidly.
Legacy after Usui's Death
After Usui died in 1926, the responsibility of carrying on his Reiki teachings fell to his disciples:
• Leadership of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai passed to Reiki master and former navy doctor Chujiro Hayashi, a devoted student trained directly by Usui.
• Hayashi expanded the system, establishing additional training clinics in Tokyo attuning masters like Hawayo Takata to pass Reiki to the West.
• Before his death, he charged Takata with continuing Usui's legacy. She founded The Reiki Alliance, which trained Reiki masters worldwide until the 1980s.
• Other Reiki branches splintered from original teachings as the practice morphed and spread. New styles emerged tailored to Western approach preferences.
• Usui is revered as the founding father of Reiki, though details of his life and original methods remain obscured over time. Practitioners honor his innovation and profound spiritual attunement.
Though unclear historically, Usui's inspiration birthed a healing approach now ubiquitous globally.
Despite cloudy verified facts, Mikao Usui undeniably originated a healing system in 1920s Japan that sparked exponential growth. Through initiates like Hayashi and Takata, Reiki traversed cultures and traditions, adapting new forms while conveying foundational teachings on channeling universal life force energy.
The truth about Usui's mystical experiences may never fully come to light. But the spread of Reiki from one man's spiritual revelation to a modern globally recognized energy healing practice affirms Usui's profound influence. His insight united spiritual traditions between East and West through a singular practice of hands-on healing and meditation.
While the past fades, Usui's innovation carries forward through the millions connecting to Reiki's gift of inner peace and harmony. His legacy remains alive in the light passing from palm to palm.