It can feel a bit icky to think about asking your deities or the universe for money. Unfortunately, the reality is we live in a capitalist society, and sometimes you’ll need an extra boost in your bank account. Don’t feel guilty when performing a money spell. See it as a way for some wealth to come to you now, but something you’ll pay back in some other way: You can help out at a local charity, spread some kindness, and look for ways to help loved ones and neighbors.
Effective money spells
Some money spells that are said to be effective include:
• Candle magic - Carve green or gold candles with runes or words like "prosperity" and "abundance" and burn while visualizing wealth.
• Petition papers - Write your desire for money on paper, fold it up, and keep it in your wallet or purse to manifest it.
• Money bowl - Fill a bowl with corresponding items like coins, rice, and basil and place it in the north area of your home.
• Money jar - Put coins, bills, seeds, and citrine crystals in a jar, visualize your goal, then open it once your intention manifests.
• Chants - Repeating rhyming mantras like "Wealth and riches come to me, As I will, so mote it be."
• Sigils - Design a symbol that represents financial goals, then reproduce it on paper and other places.
• Vision boards - Create a collage of money, luxury items, and prosperity scenes and display it where you see it daily.
• Money baths - Add herbs, oils, and colors associated with wealth into your bath water while focusing on your intention.
• Attract a windfall spell - Write your birthdate on one side of a green candle and your need on the other. Burn while asking for an unexpected sum.
Remember that for magic to work, spells must be done consistently with clear visualization, belief, and patience for results. Manifesting takes time!
Ways a money spell can backfire
There are some potential risks with money spells that practitioners should consider:
• Focusing too intently on exact amounts or methods can lead to disappointment if the results don't meet narrow expectations. Keep an open mind.
• Trying to manifest large sums quickly often backfires. Magic works best when paired with practical efforts over time.
• improper money spells can bring negative types of money like ill-gotten gains, gambling, dangerous debts, or "easy come, easy go" windfalls. Be wise in wording.
• Greed, impatience, obsession can work against money spells. Maintain perspective and gratitude to avoid negative rebound effects.
• Overspending once a small windfall arrives, instead of saving parts of it, can quickly erase any benefits gained. Use common sense.
• Be careful of entertaining magical fantasies of unlimited wealth without effort. This can breed resentment when reality unfolds differently.
• Rigidly refusing any practical steps to earn money or cut costs will hinder results. Magic complements realistic efforts.
• Attempting manipulative love magic to get gifts often backfires. Use money spells strictly for noble purposes like paying bills.
With mindful intention, patience, and allowing the highest good, money spells may attract welcome abundance. But obsession, greed, or entitlement can turn the magic in unfruitful directions. Moderation, effort, and openness serve money magic best.