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  • Writer's pictureWendy H.

Manifest Abundance: How to Craft a Simple Prosperity Spell Bowl

Hey, Sisters (and Brothers and Non-Binary Brethren)! If you're looking to manifest some financial abundance, try making this simple money spell bowl. I've been practicing witchcraft for many moons now, and spell bowls are still one of my favorite magical methods.

You can also tweak this spell into an abundance bowl, in which abundance can mean anything from feeling content with what you already own to an abundance of happiness. Like with everything else magick, it’s all about the intent, so make sure you have a clear focus before you put together this wealth bowl.

How to make a money bowl

• A small bowl - ceramic, wood, or glass. I like using earthy, natural materials.

• Any denomination of cash - nicely fold a few bills and place them in the bowl; These represent money flowing in.

• Green crystals - jade, malachite, aventurine, etc. Program them to attract prosperity.

• Cinnamon and patchouli oil - dab a bit of each into the bowl to signify success and riches.

• Green candle - dress it with the oils and use it to charge up the bowl as you work.

Arrange all the ingredients in your bowl however you'd like. As you place each item, visualize money coming to you easily and frequently. Infuse the whole bowl with your firm intention.

Once it's assembled, light your candle and focus intently on the flame as you chant:

"Prosperity and abundance,

flourish and thrive,

this magic now unfolds,

financial wealth arrive."

Feel free to replace the above incantation with any words that feel right for you and your specific intent.

Repeat the chant until you feel the bowl's energy shift and activate. Snuff out the candle and keep the money bowl on your altar, desk, kitchen shelf, etc. Renew it under each full moon.

This simple spell bowl taps into energy exchange and harnesses our connection with nature. By directing your focus and intention, you can manifest abundance. Give it a whirl and feel that magic! Blessed be.

What to put in a wealth bowl

Here are other items that call or represent wealth you can put into a money bowl:

- Coins - Place various coins in the bowl to represent wealth and prosperity. Copper, silver, and gold coins are common.

- Green crystals - Jade, malachite, emerald, aventurine, etc. Program them to attract riches.

- Citrine - This sunny yellow crystal is associated with abundance and success.

- Cinnamon - This spice is linked to fast luck, prosperity, and financial gain.

- Bay leaves - Their glossy green color symbolizes wealth growth. Write desires on them.

- Patchouli oil - Dress candles and anoint the bowl with this earthy oil to draw money.

- Chamomile - Sprinkle this calming herb to soothe financial stress and anxiety.

- Mint - This uplifting plant energizes the flow of prosperity when added to the bowl.

- Catnip - Believed to attract good fortune and new opportunities when used in magic.

- Rose petals - Include pink or green roses to bring an energy of growth and increase.

- Lucky charms - Add cultural symbols of good fortune like four-leaf clovers, horseshoes, etc.

- Pyrite - Known as "fool's gold," this stone helps manifest wealth and success.

There are so many options! Choose ingredients that feel intuitively powerful to you. Arrange them in a way that is magically energizing. Focus on prosperity as you create your money spell bowl.

Money bowl with rice

You can also incorporate rice into a money spell bowl. Here are some ideas for using rice:

• Base Layer - Cover the bottom of your bowl with a layer of uncooked rice. This provides a foundation of abundance to build upon.

• Write Intentions - Use a funnel or spoon to carefully pour rice into the bowl forming words like "Wealth," "Prosperity," or "Abundance".

• Add Herbs - Mix in green herbs associated with money, like basil, parsley, mint, or cinnamon. The green color resonates with growth.

• Include Coins - Press coins into the rice bed lightly. The metal conducts energy.

• Essential Oils - Put a few drops of prosperity oils like patchouli or cinnamon in the rice.

• Circle of Salt - Sprinkle salt around the edges to seal in the bowl's energy.

• Rice Paper - Write affirmations, wishes, or sigils on rice paper slips and tuck them into the rice.

• Crystals - Push smaller tumbled stones like jade or citrine into the rice with intentions.

Whenever you need a money boost, hold the bowl in your hands and visualize wealth while chanting. The rice helps amplify the magic! Have fun crafting your own unique money rice bowl.

History of money bowls

Money bowls and other prosperity spellcraft have a long history stemming from ancient practices:

• Ancient coins and tokens - Finding coins, shells, or beads in bowls dates back to ancient Asian, African, and European traditions as symbols of good fortune and wealth.

• Offerings to deities - Bowls were historically used to offer coins, grains, flowers and other items to gods/goddesses associated with prosperity, like Lakshmi, Demeter, Fortuna, etc.

• Feng shui - The Chinese practice of feng shui recommends keeping a bowl of coins or rice by the entrance to attract money into a home.

• Kitchen witchery - European folk magic traditions utilized kitchen bowls filled with herbs, spices, and oils for money drawing spells.

• Hoodoo and Voodoo - In African diaspora traditions, ingredients like magnets, lodestones, cinnamon, and alfalfa were placed in bowls to "sweeten" luck and finances.

• New age practices - Contemporary New Age practitioners adopted the money bowl concept, often enhancing them with crystals, candles, essential oils, and affirmations.

• Pop culture - Money bowls and spells gained popularity through TV shows, social media, and books highlighting prosperity magic in recent decades.

Though the specific ingredients and practices vary, the symbolic potency of gathering intention-filled items in a container for magical benefit has an extensive history and ongoing relevance. Money bowls continue to evolve as a staple prosperity tool.



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