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Manifest a New Job with Candle Magic: A How-To Guide

Writer's picture: Wendy H.Wendy H.

When career challenges arise, witches know that well-timed candle magic can help turn the tides in your favor. Spellwork aimed toward manifesting new employment opportunities aligns mystical forces with tangible effort. By harnessing the power of candle rituals focused on prosperity, success, and new beginnings, you gain an ally on your path toward securing ideal work.

In this guide, I’ll outline step-by-step instructions for performing targeted candle spells to conjure up the perfect job for your needs. You'll learn about choosing the right colors and inscribing symbols, setting sacred space, charging and blessing the candle, reciting incantations, adding herbs or oils, timing rituals astrologically, and properly completing each spell.

With some divination, intuition, and spell components infused with intention, your burning career candle becomes a beacon guiding your application to cross the employer's desk at just the right moment. So light up this magical job search guide, and let determination and cosmic currents intertwine to carry you toward meaningful new opportunities!

Selecting Your Candle

Choose candle colors symbolic of your career goals:

• Green - Attracts wealth and prosperity

• Gold - Represents success, ambition, and achievement

• White - Heralds new beginnings, clarity, and manifestation

• Purple - Aligns with vision, insight, and personal power


• Inscribe runes or symbols related to your target field into the candle wax using a pin. For example, carve Thurisaz (rune of change) or a dollar sign.

• Etch magical words like "employment" or "prosperity" into the candle.

• Include herbs or oils corresponding to your industry within the wax if crafting your own candle.

Select a color and customize the candle to reflect your focus on a fertile new career phase unfolding.

Preparing Your Space

Set up a sacred space conducive to your working:

• Clear the area of clutter and energetically cleanse it by burning sage, incense or palo santo.

• Cast a circle if desired or invoke the four directions for elemental magic.

• Set up an altar topped with a white, green, or gold cloth. Include career-related symbols like a dollar sign, desktop items, or a resume.

• Place your candle in the altar's center, surrounded by any herbs, crystals, or oils you'll incorporate.

• Have matches or a lighter ready to ignite your candle. Light additional altar candles if desired.

Preparing your ritual space builds focused intention before enacting the spellwork. Arrange components mindfully in a calm environment.

Charging Your Candle

Once your space is ready, take time to charge and bless your candle:

• Anoint it with career-drawing essential oils like pine, cedarwood or patchouli. Rub oils over the entire surface.

• Hold the candle in both hands. Visualize your ideal job in detail - salary, tasks, coworkers, goals, office. See yourself in that role. Infuse the vision into the candle.

• Chant incantations for career success like, "Wealth and purpose find their way, employment here begins today!" Speak desires into the wax.

• Hold the tip of a charged crystal like citrine or carnelian to the candle as you focus energies.

• If using a new moon candle, draw down lunar energy by allowing moonlight to pass through the window and into the candle.

Imbue the candle with resonant energies to become a magnified conduit for your spell.

Performing the Ritual

You're now ready to begin the spell working:

• Light the candle safely using matches or a lighter. Gaze deeply into the flame as you mentally repeat your intention.

• Chant relevant mantras, prayers, or desires aloud to elevate power. Words like "Success is mine" and "I now attract opportunity" focus intent.

• If incorporating supportive herbs, sprinkle them into the burning candle flame while visualizing the magical energies released.

• With intentions firm, allow the candle to completely burn down if possible. Snuffing it ceases the spell prematurely. Let the candle carry light until the entire wax transforms to heat, flame, and magic.

• When finished, collect some wax drippings to form a new candle for repeating the ritual over subsequent days or weeks if needed.

Concentration and purposeful motion/speech combines with the physical candle to raise energies toward your employment goal.

Optional Enhancements

To further amplify your candle spell:

• Burn complementary incense like cinnamon for success, bay leaf for wishes granted, or frankincense for influence.

• Incorporate astrological timing by performing your ritual on Thursday for prosperity, Sunday for fame, or during a waxing moon to attract increase.

• Add crystals like citrine for wealth, carnelian for boldness, or malachite for business prowess. Place them around the candle to add their resonant energies.

• Carve binding runes like Eihwaz or lucky runes like Wunjo into your candle while focusing your purpose.

• Include extras like dried mint or pine needles for success into your candle if crafting it yourself.

• Place your latest resume or job application underneath the candle while it burns to magically charge it.

Customize enhancements based on your personal magical knowledge and available tools. Combine multiple methods for multiplied power.

Completing the Spell

Once your candle finishes burning, properly closing the spell prevents energy leakage:

• Let the candle fully extinguish on its own to complete releasing the spellwork into manifestation.

• Gather and respectfully dispose of any leftover wax, matches, and ingredients. Return altar tools gently to storage.

• Open windows or circle the space sunwise while ringing a bell or clapping to clear away lingering energies.

• Note any intuitive insights that arise concerning your next job search steps. Act on them.

• Express gratitude for the opportunity to connect with sacred realms that guide your fate in alignment with good.

• Record the spell in your Book of Shadows along with any messages received.

Proper completion seals your ritual while showing care and gratitude for the energies exchanged. Magical reverence clears the path for mundane action.


Candle magic provides a powerful ritual focus for manifesting new employment suited to your goals and passions. With the right colors, symbols, herbs, crystals and incantations, your candle radiates a beacon into the ether attracting aligned chances your way.

While spellwork sets supportive forces in motion, persistence with your mundane job search remains key. Magic combines best with strategic action toward your aims. Sustain spells with regular repetition as you await results.

Trust that each application submitted and interview undertaken flows with currents now awakened by your rite. Opportunity emerges through harmony between will, wisdom, and faith in the good. Wield candle magic with virtue, and let the flames light your way to meaningful work and purpose.

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